Thursday, April 28, 2016

4/21 Team of the Week: Team 23

Did everyone watch the season premiere of Game of Thrones this past Sunday?! Yes?? Good... because this week's Team of the Week post is GoT themed.

Team 23 - you have been appointed the 4/21 Team of the Week. We swear it by the old gods and the new.

Team 23 actually pulled double duty as both an Urgent Care and Continuity team this past year. It's not a competition to see which teams come into clinic most often... but if it were, Team 23 might just have won for 2015-2016.

From L to R: Karan Chhabra (M4), Upasana Madan (M2), Caroline Kwon (M1), Drew Tieniber (M3)

This past week in clinic was only Drew and Upasana. Despite the fact that they didn't have a patient, they spent one and a half hours teaching/learning clinical skills (AND Drew came into PC the night before his shelf exam). PC readers -- that is the highest fulfillment of the training aspect of the Promise Clinic mission. Good work, Drew/Team 23!
Clinical skills learning/teaching in action! 

Who is your favorite Game of Thrones character and why? 

Caroline Kwon (M1): Missandei has been through so much, you just want her to be happy and safe. She’s a good advisor, loyal and faithful and she’s big-hearted. [Ed. Note: she got that eloquent response from this Buzzfeed quiz:]

Upasana Madan (M2): Oh my gosh, I don't watch GoT!!

Drew Tieniber (M3): Aria, because she's going to be a breakout character this season

What Game of Thrones house would you belong to and why? 

Caroline Kwon (M1): Lannister because lions, why not?!

Upasana Madan (M2): I can't answer any of these questions!

Drew Tieniber (M3): House of Dorne because I'm tired and they hang out in nice weather all the time. They're like the desert people right?

Fun fact! 

Caroline Kwon (M1): I'm running a marathon this weekend!

Upasana Madan (M2):  I'm a little bit psychic. Emphasis on "a little bit."

Drew Tieniber (M3): Apparently I have a voice doppelgänger at Promise Clinic named "Ben." Ben, come find me.

Team 23, we have looked into the flames and see bright futures for you all.

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