Tuesday, April 4, 2017

SCMotW 4/4: April Showers

What do they say about April, readers?

The title of this blog post is a little bit of a give-away, but in case you didn't catch it it's that APRIL SHOWERS BRING MAY FLOWERS! Since we've dramatically burst into April and already encountered the downpours that come with it, we decided to ask Caesar Imperio, a member of Finance and Grants to answer some rain-related questions for us!

Caesar Imperio (M2) on Finance and Grants

1) Do you like thunderstorms? Why or why not?
Caesar Imperio (M2): "I like thunderstorms, but my roommate hates it. I guess it has to do with having such large ears."
2) When is a time you were caught in the rain?
Caesar Imperio (M2): "There was this one time I remember walking back from class in college, and the hill I normally climbed looked like a waterfall due to heavy rain. As I was wading through the water, I saw my friend driving by waving at me in all my misery... I still have flashbacks nearly a decade later when I see rushing water."
3) What's your favorite rain related song?
Caesar Imperio (M2): "It has to be 'Singing in the Rain'. I can hear the song every time I open my umbrella!"

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