Wednesday, January 11, 2017

SCMotW 1/10: Janua

Well we’ve had an upset this week. A revolution, of sorts. Operations realized that since we run the blog, it meant that we likely would never be highlighted as Steering Committee Members of the Week. Once he realized this, our M1 in clinic decided that this week we would be highlighting Operations and Social Work both at the same time!  

From L to R: Sanjay Jumani, Alexa Melucci, Paul Lavadera, Marissa Falkiewicz, Jacqui Gonzales. Niall Buckley (Unintentionally)

1) What’s your favorite window style? (See figure 1 for reference)

Marissa Falkiewicz (M3): True Arch

Alexa Melucci (M3): Offset Three Light

Sanjay Jumani (M4): “Margin a Receny Pattern- because of the subtext. It’s edgy.”

Jacqui Gonzales (Social Work): Style 3

Jamie Boschee (Social Work): “Georgian- if Jacqui went with 3 I am NOT going with 3.”

Deesha Sarma (M2): “True Arch because I want to be like Marissa.”

Paul Lavadera (M1): “Swept head because of my true individuality.”

2) Windows or Mac?

Marissa Falkiewicz (M3): “Mac because Windows are useless.”

Alexa Melucci (M3): “Mac… If anyone says Windows, I’m sorry.”

Sanjay Jumani (M4): “I’m a Mac person.”

Jacqui Gonzales (Social Work): “Mac. That’s my comp of choice.”

Jamie Boschee (Social Work): “Windows. Period.” (Bold)

Deesha Sarma (M2): Mac

Paul Lavadera (M1): “I'm torn because I'm typing on a Windows computer but I don't like how it's prone to viruses. I'm gonna be wishy washy on this answer and say either.”

3) What are the prettiest windows you’ve looked through?

Marissa Falkiewicz (M3): “The ones at La Sagrada in Barcelona.”

Alexa Melucci (M3): “The ones in Italy. In Rome.”

Sanjay Jumani (M4): “Marissa’s Eyes”

Jacqui Gonzales (Social Work): “Jamie’s eyes. They are the windows to HER soul.”

Jamie Boschee (Social Work): “My eyes. They are the windows to my soul.”

Deesha Sarma (M2): “La Sagrada in Barcelona because I want to be like Marissa.”

Paul Lavadera (M1): “The ones I looked through after defenestrating some protestants at the clock tower in Prague. (It's history. Look it up.)”

Image result for defenestration at Prague
Hope your day is better than this guy's!

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