Thursday, February 25, 2016

2/18 Team of the Week: Team 7

This week's featured team post is all about the Oscars, coming up this weekend! So we picked the brains of our Team of the Week, Team 7, to learn about their favorite celebs and see who they think should bring home the gold statue.

From L to R: Azad Hirpara (M3), Mary Vanderveen (M1), Anna Rose Johnson (M2), Lessley Chiriboga (M4)

Which movie should win the Oscar for Best Picture?

Mary Vanderveen (M1): Martian--SO GOOD!

Anna Rose Johnson (M2): Unfortunately I have yet to see any Oscar nominated film. If I were a gambler I'd put my money on Leo in the Revenant (this has to be his year!)

Azad Hirpara (M3): Of the nominees, I’ve only seen The Martian so far but it was awesome. I guess that gets my vote for now. I definitely plan on watching The Big Short, The Revenant, and Bridge of Spies soon though! 

Lessley Chiriboga (M4): The Martian

If you could be one celebrity’s date to the Oscars, who would you pick?

Mary Vanderveen (M1): Tom Brady

Anna Rose Johnson (M2): Aziz Ansari, (Aziz- if you happen to come across this blog....I'm obsessed with you!)

Azad Hirpara (M3): Gotta go with my girl, Mila Kunis. 

Lessley Chiriboga (M4): Michael Fassbender

Fun fact! 

Mary Vanderveen (M1): I won the New Jersey State Championship for bball as a senior!

Anna Rose Johnson (M2): I have a Starbucks gold card that's valid until 2019; #blessed. 

Azad Hirpara (M3): I was named Azad because my name means “freedom” and I was born on India’s Independence Day 

Lessley Chiriboga (M4): I love watching the Screen Junkies YouTube channel!

Let's see if Team 7 is correct - will The Martian and Leonardo DiCaprio win big this weekend?! Tune into the Oscars on 2/28 to find out! (Note: this post was not sponsored by the Oscars... but if The Academy wants to support Promise Clinic, they can do it here:


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